is "Infinity Gems" or "Soul Stones" Power can Be seized ?????
Today, I was reading "Infinity War Chapter 5", I found something Interesting, "Infinity Gems Power Can be Seized ".
an Cosmic Entity Called "Eternity" control the Power of Infinity Gems and can Forbid Them to Use at one.
If You are a none believer Then See this.
as in "Infinity Gauntlet Series" Mad Titan "Thanos" use all Infinity Stone as one to Vanish People from Their existence from Universe, Then in its next Series Eternity Meets Cosmic Entity "Living Tribunal" and Seized the power of infinity Stone to use as one.

so may be there is Some Chances some one meets (or Loki as we know he didn't turned Blue when Thonos Killed him so there is Chances That he is still alive) Eternity and some how make him
seize power of Infinity Stone to Use as one or restore the doing of Gems .
well as for now only Marvel Knows, so lets patiently wait for release of Movie.